Sunday, April 6, 2008

by Robin
How does one get hearts beating for the Lord, "OH my"s from all the church member's mouths, and get people on their feet? You send Andrew to the front of the greeting line with a balloon.

After waiting several minutes, I was next person in line to "greet" the pastor & wife as we left out of the church. Many of the older children play and wait for parents in the grass just beyond the church entrance. Today, children's church folks gave the kids balloons, for whatever reason, I am oblivious.

Andrew runs over to me and says, "Mom, watch this." My life went into slow motion at this point of seeing him bend over, place the balloon on the ground and as my mouth was opening up to shout "Noooooooooooo", his two feet slammed on the little orange balloon. POP!! I think I saw fireworks in those pieces of rubber that went flying from his feet. The poor couple, pastor and wife, all in front of me, all grabbed their chests and jumped a foot high. I died a thousand deaths in an instant. I'm sure all blood rushed to my cheeks as I was left speechless. I looked at the group in front of me and then back at Andrew who was all smiles.

I love our pastor. He took it all in stride. He grabbed Andrew and gave him a huge hug laughing and saying, "You trying to give me a heart attack?". Andrew thought that was just the greatest gag joke at church. Honestly, I wanted to do the right parental thing and read him his rights, but, I couldn't wipe that crazy smile off my face. Part of me wanted to high-5 him for a scare well done.

He was brilliant. He was fearless. He was charismatic...... all while pulling off the deed in front of the pastor. Nothing says ADDDDDDDDHHDDDD like stomping a balloon in front of God and creation at the crossroads of reverence and spiritual tenderness. May God get the glory one day for Andrew's exuberant abundance of energy. Sweetie, I love you!!!

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Andrew's great. Reminds me of a certain daughter I know... And he's lucky to have a Mom who appreciates his spirit! :-)