Saturday, October 26, 2013


by Robin

 Full Garden.  There are some empty spots that I'm having trouble keeping things growing.  Water lines may be plulgged.  I have reseeded some spots 3x and still have nothing.  I have a winter batch of tomatoes in tubs in case we get freezes.  photo DSCN3849FullGarden.jpg

Beefstake tomatoes.  Seeds saved on paper towels from Farmer's Market in New Smyrna, FL.   photo DSCN3850Beefstake.jpg

Campari tomatoes and Turnips.  Seeds from live fruit from Publix grocery store.  Turnip seeds from Home Depot. photo DSCN3859CampariTurnips.jpg

Lettuce blend. (Swiss Chard not in pic, but in garden.)  Burpee seed.
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Italian Broccoli. (Also American variety not in picture)  All my own seed saved from last spring. photo DSCN3856ItalBroccoli.jpg

Cauliflower. Seedlings from feed store since they were late getting planted. photo DSCN3857Cauliflower.jpg

Cabbage.  Last year's seed from company. photo DSCN3858Cabbage.jpg

Black Bean Bloom.  This is a drying, heirloom variety. photo DSCN3853BBB.jpg

I decided to only grow one garden this fall. I was awfully busy with starting up school but then I also convinced myself this was the right thing because I want to start a spring garden in early February (risking frost). Many of these won't be done growing until that time or LATER. So, I thought it would be nice to have an entire section open for squash, cucumbers, beans, kale, peppers, etc.

 Happy Gardening. The weather is just beautiful for weeding (or watching football).


Friday, October 25, 2013


by Robin

The North Brevard Homeschool Association Graduating Class of 2014 is having a YARD SALE!!  We are accepting donations to help us raise funds to pay for graduation expenses.

The yard sale is Nov 1st and 2nd at  1285 Little Oak Circle, Titusville, FL 32780.  This is a neighborhood yard sale but be sure to check us out FIRST!!   We have dozens of families donating to our "yard".  Lots of furniture, clothes, etc.

Here is a preview of what is available!!!  You can PRE-BUY these items and beat the crowds!

Homeschool desk!!  (dog and feet not included)   $20 or best offer.

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Bookshelf!  (missing a couple knobs but can be easily replaced with something you like better)  I'd like to get $25, but make offer.

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Nice glider.  Has a little wear down around seat area but very useable! Make offer

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Small table to hold books or microwave or fish tank & supplies, whatever your needs are!!  Comes with wheels.  $10

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For the little man in your life....  tool table & blocks.  $10 or best offer.

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For your little military man....  aircraft carrier.  Also there is a HUGE bin of action figures to go along with it.  $8 or best offer.

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For the handy man... one of those board-thingies and a white counter top  (about 4-5 ft long).  Come see and make offer.

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6 ft DR table, but it has seen some better days.  May be restored or possibly a great craft table. Very sturdy.  Make offer.

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Same table, different view.

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HP Photosmart C3100 printer, copier, scanner.  WORKS!!!   We upgraded to wireless, but this was working as of Sunday!  Has almost brand new color ink cartridge and I refilled the black cartridge on Sunday. (I do that myself.)   $25.

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All buttons working and look good.

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Works on Windows XP, ME, 2000 and MACs.   I was told that you could use this with Win 7 or 8 but I'd need to upload drivers from their website.  I'm not techie, hence the new printer when I got a new tower.

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This is the only little ugly spot.  Because I refill my own cartidges for cheaper than new, it will sometimes make this mess.  I used to clean it up but then I quit doing that.  Never seems to bother anything other than the "look" on the machine itself.  Prints look good.

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Also, Littlest Pet Shop set with hundreds of pieces!!  Will sell as one big set.
 - Speakers
 - Receiver
 - Books
 - Coffee mugs
 - hanging lamp

Thanks for browsing!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


by Robin

I've got my eldest addicted to these (only he adds ham too).  I think they are the perfect meal.

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I am trying something new in my diet lately.  I am primarily a vegan plus fish/seafood person, but between all the eggs, health issues and some deficiencies in my diet, I'm starting to in incorporate new foods.

The nutritionist wanted me to eat more lean meats and I tried that twice but found that I really don't enjoy the taste of red meats.  I have a freezer full of venison but it is just 'ok' to my palate. Chicken is much better.  But, back on topic, I am trying to do a 2-1 ratio of alkalines to acids in my diet.  I have this sheet of paper that helps me figure all this out.  And I'm taking a digestion pill to help too.   I do think we solved the mystery as to why I gain each winter.  I love beans and rice.  Way too much acid! I could eat that all day long and never balance it with my veggies.  My reflux is challenging and so forth. So, instead of all the red meats, I will put in an egg.

Everything is a balance.  I do not want to go back to meats but I do know I need a change. Something is wrong with something going on inside me besides the fibromyalgia.  It's like juggling figurative thryroid, reflux, inflammation and food balls in the air and trying not to let anything fall.  All of it needs to be carefully managed.  And, of course, it is always through trial and error.

I saw a Scripture this week that spoke to me about all this careful obedience in body and mind.  The Nazarites took a vow to completely give themselves over to God, through every aspect of their life, including food and drink, to separate themselves from the world.  I've always felt a special closeness to this vow as I have given up drinking many years ago to have special favor from God with raising my children, protecting my marriage and helping me in ministry work.  I feel like I am living it again for special favor with my health.

In Romans 12:1-2  Paul states, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Thank you Lord for your blessing me with wonderful food that is making me feel better.  I'm thankful for the fresh lettuce from the garden, the huge Beefstake tomato from the market, non-rotten avocados and fresh eggs from the coop.  May you see my entire life as a holy and pleasing act of worship.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


by Robin

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Five of 6 are laying! One is still in molting. She lays green eggs.  I love how you can see the distinct differences amongst the breeds.

Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, RIRx NH, Lt Brahma and White Leghorn.

I'll have to retake the photo once I have all 6 laying again.  I was just super eggcited to have 5 eggs the other day in the box.

Monday, October 21, 2013


by Robin

Trying to get these posted up for friends to enjoy viewing!  We had a manhunt party on Friday.  In short, it is just a hide-n-seek party for older teens, in the dark, with flashlights and camo clothes. But, they also played cards and danced in the LR too.  Lots of fun.  Here are some highlights.

First batch of kids.  Three sisters and the neighbor.

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Somebody wanted to kidnap our bunny Lulu.  Is it kidnapping if the bunny is a willing participant?

Jack loaded the smoker down with ribs and chicken. The other grill had corn on the cob.  The house oven had beans, plus all the cold sides in the frig. Feeding an army?

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Through the big meal, the number of kids began to grow.  Jack lead them in some yard football, although it looks a little like a prayer meeting.

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Then, a few more kids came and it was time to go over the rules and boundaries. Sadly, we had 6 cancellations. Boo.

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Picking teammates by alternating feet, I think.

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Hard to get a clear pick as night was falling and the kids were ready to go.  This is the best of 3.

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Eventually, I joined them to walk the lot and street to check on kids.  I look mean but I really just baked 3 dozen chocolate cookies to hand out for that late-night sugar rush.

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Awww, c'mon.  Get up and dance with the girls!  I have no idea how we went from manhunt to dance party, but it did.  I think it was too humid outside.

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Everyone getting the sillies.

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Hug me brother.  I almost missed this shot!

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Hard saying good-bye.  We'll see some of you in 2 wks for Contra-Dancing and Bluegrass music.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013


by Robin

I don't know where to begin nor do I know where I'm going.  The story of my life.  LOL.

First, I guess I should say that my blog will be bland for the next week or so.  My big pc has gone to the big Processor in heaven.  The part can be replaced but that takes time. Meanwhile, my hubby left me speechless by running to the neighboring city and buying me a Galaxy Notebook.  Wow.  I am so grateful for his sacrifice to keep me connected with the world.  Thank you babe!  (I know you're reading.)

For now, I have borrowed my son's laptop because it makes typing so much easier and he's gone for another hour.  :)

We did finally recover from the virus.  Colloidal silver has made a believer out of me.  Jack and I took it with the first onset of symptoms and stopped it dead in its tracks.  Unfortunately, my eldest still was exposed & feeling symptoms before I could get to the store to buy it.  He had shortened fever but still suffered with the sore throat, sinus and cough mess.  Praise God, though, nobody ended up with any secondary infections.

If running a full schedule and playing make-up wasn't enough, my poor dogs were both vomiting multiple times a day.  At first, I thought it was the abrupt change of kibble.  I ran out of the other and couldn't find our brand in the big size so I bought Kibbles and Bits.  Once the 2nd week of vomits and several loads of sheets and rugs were done, I could no longer look into their big brown eyes and give them another bowl of that poison.  So far, no vomits today.

I bought my first pumpkin of the season!!  There is much merriment on what to carve into it.  For sure, more pumpkins will need to be bought to satisfy each design.  I'm having a pinterest moment myself.

This month is Pastor Appreciation Month (or Clergy) and so I was able to spend some morning time making a couple 10-egg Pound Cakes.   We're going to deliver it this afternoon for the pastors to enjoy the next couple of days.  I'm excited that Pearl, Caroline, Harris and Eaton all participated in Pastor Appreciation too.  Thank you girls for your faithfulness to the egg box. The house smells so delicious.

The garden is coming along nicely.  The beans are about to make blooms and I could probably pick my first leaves of Swiss Chard.  I do have a nice picture of it but that will have to wait a while before I can share.

Homeschooling is going well.  I should be grading some Quizzes right now for my Civics class.  In a moment....

Our deaf ministry has gone through some growing pains and changes but God has blessed me with a Word confirming that we're all still working in His plan.  I am still missing a dear friend who was called away but not missing the drama from others.  I am bathing so much of it in prayer and new roles are assigned.  The best thing I can do is stay obedient and serve only Him.

Well, I need to check on the cakes and then pack up for the pediatricians check-ups.  Not for me... I wish.  The kids.  My geriatric checks ups are later.  LOL.

God bless you and USA,

Thursday, October 3, 2013


by Robin

Determining Total Surface Area kicked my butt yesterday, but I'm coming back for you today.

And if I can't kick your butt, my eldest son will.  (Love having an engineer- math brain in the family!)

For those of you who are totally paralyzed in fear over the above picture, I'm posting up a chicken picture to relax you. Carry on.

I have 4 birds (my current egg layers) who are totally into pasta this morning.  Peaches and Mallory are arguing about who is going to hold out on laying eggs the longest. 

God bless,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


by Robin

Jack's been calling me called me the witch doctor.  I don't agree with that.  I haven't totally broke out the garlic and started putting it around our necks yet.

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We did take our first son into the pediatrician and the strep test was negative and at this (that) point, his sinuses and ears are still clear.  I intend to keep it that way.

Plus, look carefully, there is Scripture tea.  There is Power in Jesus' NAME!!

May Jesus heal my boys and stop Jack and I from getting the virus.
In Jesus' Name!