Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Genesis 3:14

So the LORD God said to the serpent: “ Because you have done this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.

This verse really applies to the serpent in the garden with Adam and Eve. Satan deceive them to the point that they were kicked out of the garden of Eden and were never to return. Not only did Adam and Eve lose intimate fellowship with God but the animals, ground and most of all, the serpent were all cursed. It's snake season once again and I always think of the serpent in Genesis when I see snakes here.

Besides dust, black racers also eat lots of lizards, frogs and even poisonous snakes. My heart still beats wildly and sometimes I scream when I see a 3-4 ft black racer even though they're non-poisonous. This guy was bigger than our regular visitors. He was hunting and totally oblivious to us. Andrew discovered him hunting in the garden while he was swinging. (Too close for comfort) By the time I grabbed the camera, he had moved on to behind the shed.

Instinct tells me to kill them, but I do my best to try to let them do their work and keep the poisonous snakes away. I'm sure at some point during the summer heat, I will be freaked out by hosting the entire extended family under our decks and in the yard.

I truly have a love-hate relationship with snakes.

(See Courtney, you shouldn't be too jealous of our heat. With heat comes snakes.)

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