Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The cutie below is my neighbor's daughter. She is really good to watch.

Back pain - Can't say it was from anything exciting. I went to bed normal Friday night and woke up in pain Saturday. I can only think that it was a fibromyalgia attack that gained momentum as the day progressed and weather starting moving through the area the next day. I used ice but that only made it worse (Sun).

Now..... FLOWERS!!! I captured some of the prettiest flower pics in my front yard on Friday. I've lowered resolution to put them here but the originals are just fantastic. I wish I had more wall space to enlarge, frame and hang everywhere. (Periwinkle flower - Thanks Patti & Holli)

Bird of Paradise (Thanks Patti & Holli for the name)
The orange and blue together make a brilliant combination. Very FL Gator-ish. Go Gators!

Again, another no name beauty.
This one has got to be in the iris family. Gorgeously dressed flowers.

Ok, this one I snuck in from the backyard. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

It looks like little fireworks to me.

I'm sorry this one is out of focus. I'm going to go back and get a better pic of this for tomorrow. It is a rose bush that has something like 22 buds on it. I've got to get a better pic for you to enjoy. I've never seen roses do this in 1 grouping.
I also have a gorgeous yellow long-stemmed rose about to unfold. More photos later.
If you know the names of any of these, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin! I think the first one is called periwinkle or something that starts with a V...and the 2nd is Bird of Paradise. Some of the others are on the tip of my tongue but they're not coming back to me right now. :-)

Sharie said...

do they smell as good as they look?? Beautiful!

Yikes on the back! Let those strong boys of yours do some nice massaging... Or not... That might not be a good idea!