Tuesday, April 1, 2008

HAIKU poems

Yesterday I was teaching how to write Haiku poetry to my fishermen. Our assignment took us to our backyard to make a list of things in nature. Then they selected one subject in particular that interest them. The rules to Haiku are 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables for each of the 3 lines.

Here are the results:


Spider has eight legs

Many beautiful brown eyes

She makes spider webs

Simon Peter's:

Spider on the web,

catching a fly as it seems,

with its brown eight legs.

Second subject:

Oh sweet bumblebee,

the sweet little sound you make,

the honey we eat.

Can't wait until we get into more creative poetry.

1 comment:

Courtney Imbert said...

Robin has a blog
Makes me wish I was down south
It is cold up here