Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Don't we look great all fluffed out?

They're standing so much better today and for longer periods of time.

Guess who joined us this morning.

Yep, another brother or sister. This is the one that tried all day to get out. Jack told me that he helped it early this morning. I told him how wrong that was but that I loved his tender ways. This chick does look smaller than the other bunch.

Three eggs to go... sitting so silently. Today is the true due date, so I'm hoping they will come healthy.


Courtney Imbert said...

I think I read somewhere that sometimes you do have to help eggs hatch because it can be really tough breaking out of there on their own. I bet your boys are SO excited! Is there a way to figure out the gender of the chickies? Are you going to name them? Are you going to have fresh eggs? Are they the same kind of eggs I can get in the supermarket? Where will they live? Are you building a chicken coop?

Ok enough questions! Sorry! I get so excited about animals. I will have to take pictures of our fish for my blog.

I have a new birdhouse that has a plastic back. I stick it on my window so I can see the birds hatch. No takers yet though. It's still a little early in the season and not all the birds have returned.

Southern Latitudes said...

Hey Cous.....

*Gender - TBD in approx 6 wks.
*No names so far. They all look the same.
*Yes - fresh eggs.
*Should taste fresher than store.
*Same type. These are White Leghorn, known for pretty big white eggs.
*Live - backyard coop