Wednesday, March 26, 2008

by Robin

After last night's post, I thought I'd better go light-hearted today.

These were all taken in the past 3 days.

This is the black racer that was hunting eggs with us on Easter. It was a very large adult.
They just love to sit on this trellis. I find them & skins there all the time.

The boys rescued Rumble, an anole lizard with broken back legs (one broke by Andrew accidentally). He survived all week. Yesterday, he went on to Lizard heaven. The funeral was beautiful but very sad.

We had his girlfriend Angela for a short while. She died quickly in an attempt to escape. She was an amputee with three fast legs.

I'm not certain but I believe this is a Red-Tail Hawk. It hangs around our neighborhood and yesterday it landed on our porch roof. I took this pic through the schoolroom window.
What a magestic creature!
Believe it or not, a squirrel ran up the post and the hawk flew away w/o killing it. I have the pic but it isn't perfectly focused, although the wings are spread.
We are also on day 1 of incubating our White Leghorn chickens. By the grace of God, I have talked Jack into making a coop & keeping a couple hens for eggs. Afterall, fishermen need other forms of protein too. Pictures to come in 20 more days on that.

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