Saturday, March 22, 2008

THE LAST SUPPER....... (Almost!)
by Robin

The other day we were all doing our school work when Andrew goes missing. I didn't think much of it because he did finish up his subject.

A few minutes later, he appears with three pieces of torn loaf bread and 3 medicine cups filled to the brim with cranapple juice. He was just adorable, in all his seriousness, at administering our Last Rites, I mean.......... Communion.

I recited verbatim the parts of Corinthians relating to the body and blood of Christ. All seemed well as we did this.

Afterwards, I took the plate & cups to the kitchen and went to close up the loaf of bread that had been sitting there open. I gave the loaf a spin to seal up the mouth of it when my eye catches a glimpse of horror! There was a huge green mold spot on the bottom of the loaf. The end where he took the piece of bread from.

Oh no! Think Robin think my mind raced!! Did my piece have mold on it? Did I see green? No, I think I'm good. I'm pretty sure I'm good. Hmmm...... Only time will tell if my Lord's Supper is going to kill me or not.

It was such a beautiful gesture on Andrew's part that I didn't bother telling him about the mold and quietly put the loaf in the garbage. And as God would have it, He did bless the food and protect us from any mold recourse.

God is so good!!
Happy Resurrection & Easter Day!!

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