Saturday, March 15, 2008


Mar 14, 15, 16th, 2008

We had a wonderful time yesterday afternoon watching the Air Show. I really need Jack and the boys here to tell me all these planes but I don't have them. Enjoy the pics!
First, let me start us off with the fact that Thursday, while working on the boat, we had quite the air show of planes coming in for the big event the next day. It was so much fun to work and then look up and see planes like this....

Or a P-51.... ?
Yesterday evening, we saw a bi-plane but I didn't have my camera out. At the show, I'm sure they had nearly 20 warbird planes in the sky at once. There were 2 sets of planes in formations of 4. Multiples of them in formation of 2.
I believe Jack said this one below is an old Blue Angel but only a civilian owns it now. The Blue Angels currently fly in a F-18, but this is the older model that they used to fly in.

This guy was so fast I could hardly catch him & the other jets on the camera. I took 200 shots yesterday and approx 40% of them are of sky, chain link fence or buildings and no planes in them. The sun was blinding me and so I was point & shooting without knowing what I had.

This was such a sight to behold. A fighter in formation with a P-51 mustang. It just makes me love my country so much more. They held this formation for many miles as the other jet did its show. This was their parting run before landing.

Another P-51 shot above. Some type of bomber below. They had a couple of these.

Have a great day!! Catch an Air Show if you can. You won't regret it.


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