Tuesday, March 25, 2008


"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

by Robin

This is a very common Scripture that many homeschool moms keep near and dear to their heart. It is our anthem, if you will, that reassures us that if we teach in love, enthusiasm for learning and the ways of our Father in heaven, that our children shall not stray [for long] from a Christian lifestyle.

Sadly the inverse works true too. If you teach children that German Nazis are superior in race and that all Jews must be killed, then that become a mentality that children do not depart from. It is the stem of genocide, racism, bigotry and prejudices as well for other racial tensions.

Not to get off on that particular tangent, I want to focus mainly on this attack against parental judgement by the California courts.

“California courts have held that … parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children,” Justice H. Walter Croskey said in the 3-0 ruling issued on Feb. 28. “Parents have a legal duty to see to their children’s schooling under the provisions of these laws.” Parents can be criminally prosecuted for failing to comply.

I realize that the comments last month haven't exactly changed homeschooling in California, but it has reinforced the state's stance on the position that parents are not capable of teaching their own children or knowing what it best for them. Sure, we homeschoolers don't all have PhDs or teacher's certificates but what we do have is a God-given desire to see the best for our children just like other parents. We have proven through sacrifice of income and sometimes status that we will do what it takes to provide a great education, tailor-fit to our children's needs. Afterall, we're not all cloned robots.

I am reminded of stories from internet friends who have autistic children, handicapped children and those with slight learning disabilities. Each wonderful and uniquely-made child is given the exact one-on-one interaction that is needed and progresses at their pace so Mama can be certain that no child IS left behind educationally as well as emotionally.

Judge Croskey ruled that: "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

What does this mean? Free-thinking individualism is a threat and hence a crime to our nation? Homeschoolers are an unspoken conspiracy against our country? We can't possibly teach our children love of country and the sacrifices made to ensure freedom? Do they think that no homeschooler has a parent serving in Iraq or Afghanistan? I know that isn't true because I see prayer requests all the time from the homeschooling wives. I have never seen USA-bashing from any homeschoolers.

So what in the world is the purpose to slamming homeschooler's freedom to school our own children? To me, the answer lies in the above Scripture above, only instead of meaning in a Godly way, it falls more into a socialistic nature. We are being confronted to conform to what our government wants us to be instead of what our founding father's intended for us to be. Individuals with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I am praying for you Californians and for homeschooling in general. Former NY Teacher-of-the Year, John Taylor Gotto, has written a few books on this entire issue. "Dumbing Us Down" and "A Different Kind of Teacher." Please check one of these out of the library or buy it. You will be so shocked at what you read. I don't care if others choose to send their kids to great public or private schools but don't take away MY freedom to school my children at home. It is a choice California! Californian's big claim to fame are to be liberal, pro-choice and so very understanding of all types of lifestyles and YET, they can't bother to respect OUR lifestyle choice to be schooling our own children. We choose life and we choose conversative lifestyles. Please don't shove your choice down our throats.

My mind could get carried away with scenarios, but I think that if it were to become illegal to homeschool once again, families would rebel. I have a friend whose children are all now adults, but back in the day, she secretly schooled her kids and hid them in her house all day. We don't want to be unlawful but rather, we want the same ability to train up our children, just like the rest of the country, as we see fit. Not brainwashed, but nurtured, which is the true definition of training. If it is nurturing in the eyes of the Californian judges to send children off to school, than what is so wrong with keeping them at home to read curriculum books? It could be no worse and stats prove it is better.

On Friday, half of all high school students in the greater Central FL school all stayed home because of a bomb threat. This is the 2nd one in the same number of weeks. Three school trained children (Judge Croskey's words not mine) are sitting in jail for conspiracy to mass murder fellow students and then turn the guns on themselves. You tell me, where is the good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to state and country in that Judge Croskey? Is this your way of protecting public welfare? Your excuses for socialism make me sick.

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