Thursday, May 1, 2008


"Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."
This is a bit of a contemporary view of Solomon's words. Everything is in bloom around the house. A beautiful long-stemmed yellow rose opened up today off my back porch. What a gorgeous speciman. And well,..... they're not quite doves but I do hear them talking to me whenever I'm outside. Don't they look so much older than a few days ago?

We have about 3 more weeks from when the roosters start distinguishing themselves from the hens. I'm going to miss having my little flock of 5. (3 Light Brahamas, 2 White Leghorns)

Have a wonderful weekend y'all. Congrats to my niece who sang her heart out tonight
with the All-State Choir. Many of my nieces love to sing, just like my sisters and me.

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