Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gen 2:8, 15

"Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. ......The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. "

Jack cutting in 4 more feet of garden to make up for the other plots that I'm going to let die off. I'm down to 1 big garden. 1 source of water. 1 place to edge & weed. The size is 22' x 8 '.

We also had to rearrange my beams around the edge. It looks sharp now.

Set up the source of water & spacing for plants.

We put out Texas Sweet & Red onion sets. Goodness!! I had no idea how many of those suckers I bought. I thought about giving away the 3rd row's worth, but then put them in the ground anyhow.


Nothing is under the cups, they're just out to mentally help me space out things.

I have some previously grown parsley, thyme, chocolate peppermint, serrano peppers and 1 old bell pepper plant that were potted for 48 hrs and re-homed. Sage & Rosemary were not touched. All varieties of tomatoes will be on the right-side. I found some baby Romas popping out of the ground right before we went to till. I scooped them up and saved them.

Everything was watered before we lost light. Now, we shall wait & see what grows. (More seeds to be planted at a later date as well.)

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