Wednesday, February 19, 2014


by Robin

Braised Greens with bacon  My house smells like this recipe right now!!  (FYI - if you don't want to add the beer, it can be replaced with a veggie or chicken stock. Bacon can be deleted to keep it vegan.  Cayenne is only for the brave!)

Yesterday, I was so blessed to get a friend's excess collards!  Wow. I will make a massive batch and give some back & to another friend who wants to sample the recipe.   First, wash the bugs off!

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I have to say, this was a very clean batch of greens.  Didn't see one critter.  My bunny and chickens thoroughly enjoyed eating the spines that were removed first.

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We' got broccoli growing out of our ears.  So, I will make yet another batch tonight.  After this, I may start freezing back some for later.

Sometimes last summer or fall, I bought an acorn squash from the local grocery store.  I saved the seeds and had no idea if they could be recycled back into the garden. So far, they look like they have a good start in life.  We'll see if they turn into baby acorns in a couple months.

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Over a year ago, a friend from church gave me some old, old heirloom seeds.  I had about 20 of these.  I was able to get a nice return on those.  From that, I had about 100 return back into the ground the next time I planted.  From that, I received enough beans to store back about 2 meals worth of beans and still have 1 planting leftover.  Tonight, we're going to try these Mayflower beans.  Aren't they just beautiful?

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I worked in the kitchen yesterday at our local co-op for homeschoolers.  They had expired flour tortillas for us chicken moms.  I have to say they were a welcomed surprise in the pen today, along with strawberry tops and collard "spines".  The strawberry bottoms are prepped for my dessert tonight.

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Happy Gardening,

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