Friday, February 7, 2014


by Robin  Linking  you to Pastor Cameron's blog.

Here are a couple quotes from the article but please do read the article in its entirety.  I have personally been convicted not to drink by God speaking to me and making that clear.  I think this article clearly illustrates why I continue not to drink.  I hope this blesses somebody today.

For years, well-meaning, sincere Christians have debated the subject of drinking. Let me be clear by saying there isn’t a single verse in the Bible that says a Christian cannot have a drink; although the Bible clearly warns about the destructive and addictive nature of alcohol (Proverbs 20:121:1723:29-35Ephesians 5:18) and is very clear that drunkenness is always wrong (Romans 13:13Galatians 5:19-211 Peter 4:3Habakkuk 2:151 Corinthians 5:11).
The Bible is also clear that mature Christians should avoid causing others to stumble by drinking (Romans 14:21), and that leaders ought to avoid drinking alcohol (Proverbs 31:4-7) and cannot be given to drunkenness (1 Timothy 3:38 Titus 1:7.)

I have yet to hear from anyone who drinks how alcohol enhances anything or blesses anyone. Max Lucado said, “One thing for sure, I have never heard anyone say, ‘A beer makes me feel more Christlike.

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