Friday, July 24, 2009

Psa 41:1 & Health Care

by Robin

Seems like every news report this week has centered on health care and the debate going on in the Congress. While I was eager, nervous and sometimes horrified at times to learn of what might be in my future, I had to calm myself down and go to the Word for some sanity.

BLESSED (HAPPY, fortunate, to be envied) is he who considers the weak and the poor; the Lord will deliver him in the time of evil and trouble. (Amplified Bible version)

I have full confidence that no matter what may be, God is our ultimate healer and deliver from all things & situations.

Here is a real-life situation of a lady named Barbara Wagner from the WorldNetDaily, June 19, 2008, "State Denies Cancer Treatment....", an Editorial.

Barbara Wagner had a reoccuring lung cancer while living in Oregon, under the state-run Oregon Health Plan. Her doctor recommended a drug that would prolong & improve her quality of life, but the state refused that particular drug. You see, with advanced cancer, you are no longer deemed worthy of care by the state-run health care system in beautiful Oregon. BUT, Oregan gave Barbara another option. She was informed that her state-run health care plan would pay for her expenses for a doctor-assisted suicide, which is legal in that state. Hmmm, let's see. Terminal illness vs Suicide.

Praise God that Barbara had the Lord delivering her from that time of trouble when the state chose not to value her life. God did value Barbara. His son died for everyone!! (John 3:16) The pharmaceutical company that made that special drug provided, no wait, .... BLESSED..... Barbara with the medicine free of charge. What would become of Barbara had God not intervened through the pharmaceutical company? My point is this.... God is in control. He's still on the throne. No matter what be ahead of us, He will take care of you when nobody else will or if you can't afford to.

Does that mean nobody will die of cancer? No. But, He will be with you each step of the way, if you seek Him out as your Savior. He'll either heal you this side of heaven or when you're in heaven.

If that story doesn't convince you that govt-run health options (Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, Canada or Britain's Health System) is a bad idea, read Chapter 7 of "Liberty & Tyranny" by Mark Levin. It will put a lot of the puzzle pieces together for you. Did you know that Britain's dentists have quotas? Did you know that Medicare & Medicaid covers 86 million ppl (or a quarter of the nation's entire population)? Do you even understand Medicare & Medicaid?

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