Saturday, August 23, 2008

by Robin

We left off yesterday with a post about Simon Peter. Now, let's talk a bit about Andrew. (By the way, these pictures were taken Saturday, on the Indian river banks, in front of the VAB building- Kennedy Space Center. It's there, trust me.)

Tomorrow, Andrew turns 9 yrs old and I'm having such a tough time with this because I feel like I'm no longer able to call him my baby without somebody wanting to put me in an institution for crazy talk. He's my baby. Always will be. I'll just have to remember not say that to his face when he's got a bunch of buddies around.

So, yesterday, Simon Peter was achieving some success on the skim board while Andrew was sizing it all up. In many ways, he's the bold one, but not yeseterday. Weeks ago, he took on singing a solo for the whole church of 220 people twice in one day. But, I can see the hesitation in his eyes as his mind works out the order of business.

He tried it many times only to throw the board down, hop on or over it and then end up on the opposite side. It's a lot for a brain to process in coordination. Plus, he just got a new board which is heavier to throw.

He contemplated some more when he used the board for shade rather than skimming. Jack did his best to give instructions but I had a lightbulb moment while taking photographs. I've seen this face before. He needs bullet points. Numbered steps. Simplify. He doesn't want to fumble his way through it. He wants perfection & coordination of a 12 yr old, on the first run.

So, Step 1, throw board forward. The shallower, the better until you can build up speed. If it moves sideways, abort jump. It is skims forward, run and jump.

That's right!! You can do it. He's always had the passion to do it. This is one passionate kid. He doesn't like to do things half-heartedly. He puts his whole heart into whatever he does. Wait, maybe yardwork he doesn't....... but that's because it isn't his thing at all. He's just being obedient because I asked for help. And for both those reasons, I love him more than I already loved him the moment he was born.

I really can't wait to see what amazing things God will work in both their lives. I'm honored to be their mama and it such a priviledge to watch them develop & grow into fine young men.

1 comment:

Sharie said...

Both these boys are so handsome and talented and such an inspiration! Fantastic fishermen, lego masters, singers, chicken farmers, with joy spilling out in all that they do! Happy belated birthdays to both of them, and congrats Mama. You've got two very fine boys.