CONGRATULATIONS to my son!!! We are so proud of you!!!
(Above, we have just finished handing him his diploma and watched a 3 minute video of his baby to teen pictures over-layed by our speaking blessings, words of gratitude and Scripture to our graduate. It really was so hard not to cry. I think Jack may have shed a few too. Luckily, he didn't have to worry about mascara running like I did.
I am so thankful for the beautiful weather we had and the blue skies as the backdrop for our hat toss. Awesome! My silly boy is on the far left.
Twelve families came together to throw one terrific graduation ceremony and reception!! It was so much fun. We started early with fundraising yard sales, bbq & pizza nights! Then, we all chipped in some $$. Before you know it, we had secured a location, ordered diplomas, caps & gowns and then we planned the food and decorating. As you can see below, my area of volunteering was the food, specifically fruits and veggies. We filled the entire truck with goods and then had a chopping party with all the young ladies from a couple graduate families and my boys. Believe it or not, we knocked out washing, cutting & bagging all this food in less than 4 hrs.
The morning of graduation, we had this spectacular spread of food. Thank you to all the Junior Moms who helped us pull this off while we were busy.... um....
..... doing hair and visiting with out-of-town family. (I even had a good friend make my hair super-special for the ceremony. Thanks J!!)
There are hundreds more photos and even some coming from our professional photographer! That was such a smart move so that we didn't need to focus on blurry pictures but enjoying the moment. After all, it is monumental to get a kid from pre-K to 12th grade (& almost through an AA) and the tears flowed freely.
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