Ok, so we finished up with graduation, then took a vacation to Georgia to see my nephew graduate!!
Here are 2 of the 3 graduates in our family. My S. Carolina niece is going to graduate next weekend too.
My niece was part of the special music for the ceremony. She'll be a Senior next year!
Here we all are together. My sister, me, nephew, son and youngest niece. Missing a few kids, but that's how it goes sometimes when they walk off.
Awww, love this.
My youngest Rock Star.
Again, I have hundreds more photos, but they all need to be downsized before they can come here and well.... there's just no time for that at the moment.
Taking care of critters and doing mounds of laundry!!
But, it was always my promise to myself that once life slowed down this summer, I would go back to eating my plant-based diet again. I would stop eating fast food and go back to drinking more water and less sodas. Get rid of the processed foods and turn to whole foods.
Yesterday morning, I picked fresh organic blueberries, then stopped at the local market to get many goodies for the weekend so I wouldn't have an excuse not to eat healthy. Above, you can see me in front of my 6 ft tall tomato plants.
Here is my plan for sides tonight, thanks to the inspiration of Pion 'r Wom'n. Corn on the cob with a seasoned bell pepper and fake butter topping. Wrap and foil and put on the grill.
Here was another take on something she made, but I added Brussel Sprouts to my potatoes. This will go in the oven easily.
Yesterday, I made slaw and deviled eggs for the boys. I think we may thaw a packet of some Red Grouper from back a couple months ago. Jack and I picked up these beauties in the Gulf of Mexico.
Ok, well, I had my share of fun bringing them in too!!
So, that's the nutshell of how May went down.
Blessings to you all!
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