Our homeschool group has been organizing small field trips to the candy shop. I absolutely loved it the minute I walked in the door and smelled sugar in the air. First thing, we all had to wear hats. With my wild & crazy hair, I figured it was best to braid it all and tuck it into a ball cap. I do not want anybody getting a chocolate with 2 ft+ of hair in it. LOL.
Here are the warming vats.
The product they were making today were the chocolate-covered citrus rinds. We were explained the process, which I found fascinating. Nothing goes to waste. Unused parts of the fruit go to the local zoo for the animals to eat.
Who wouldn't want an industrial-size kitchen with large mixers? Renee, I thought of your family when in here. WOW, it was super organized.
These are the big bins filled with the ingredients they were using that day/week. I don't know why this makes me happy. Maybe I'm a baker at heart.
Instead of measuring things out in cups, it is measured in pounds. I love this old Toledo scale.
Here was another favorite - HUGE copper kettle. It catches your eye first amongst everything else in the room.
I'm trying to figure out how in the world I could put something like this in my non-industrial size kitchen. Very clever.
After the tour, there is the gift shop where you can buy all sorts of goodies. Who wouldn't want a chocolate shuttle?
This is their biggest seller.... and don't think one of them didn't come home with me!
Here is what I loved most of ALL the things I heard there. 100% of the profits go to Viera Water Network, which is a missionary project to 'bring clean water for life and living water for eternal life.' I did not know that when we got there, but it welled up my eyes to see the greater vision. VWN is in several countries right now. Coincidentally, they partner with another missions group that I have partnered with in Zambia. What a small world!!!!
If you're interested in supporting http://www.vierawaternetwork.com/ , please feel free to use this link.
If you're interested in ordering Grimaldi Candies, http://www.grimaldicandies.com/, for yourself or as a gift for the holidays, please use this other link. They ship anywhere. Their chocolate is very, very smooth - not waxy at all.
Happy Weekend everyone!! Enjoy a piece of chocolate.
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