For the past 5 years, our street has had an annual street party for Memorial Day. Over the years, it grows bigger and bigger. There are more people there that I don't know than people that I do know. This year, it was toned down a bit, probably because the past couple years, the cops have shown up late into the evening. Things get out of control.
Each year, they print up funny shirts and so we buy them.
This is about the only way we can figure out who the neighbors are and who isn't.
One side of the street is more family-orientated with kid games. Each year, there is a bouncy house and a slip-n-slide. The other side is more for adults, including cornhole tossing. I'm awful at that.
I could not keep Jack out of it this year.
Not me!!!! This year, I sat mostly with my neighbor, Darlene and her boyfriend and their families. Darlene is so much prettier than this picture shows. She is the best neighbor. The kind where you can borrow anything. We have keys to each other's houses. We watch each other's dogs. We look out after each other, especially in lieu of her recent divorce. But, I'm very happy for her to have found a wonderful man.
But..... I digress....... We all bring tons of food and then eat late lunch and dinner there. Our other neighbors roasted two pigs for a full day and then made pull-pork sandwiches. Very delicious smelling!!
At night, the kids (and I) go in to watch movies or completely fall out from pure exhaustion of slipping-n-sliding all day. The other adults hang out by the fire pit 'til the wee hours of morning. Sometimes they have raffle games and karaoke, but there wasn't too much of that this year. They did have grocery kart races about midnight, which I saw when letting out the dogs.
So, this explains another day of being absent from blogland.
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