This is not intended to be part of my special dietary menu!!
These are Black Swallowtail larva.
They are destroying my dill plants.
And Cilantro....
So, we decided to pull one plant, put it in a habitat, then put ALL the caterpillars in there together. I hope they create those chrysallis(s) soon and then we can see butterflies!!! I try to do one project a year like this from something in the garden. One year, we watched Giant Swallowtails emerge from their chrysallises. (crysalli?)
Is it me or do they look like I skewed them on sticks?? They've eaten off all the tops of my plants. Did you happen to notice all the escargot on my herbs too?? Grrrr.
I'll try to get our habitat pics up soon.
Have a great weekend!!
Hello friend!
You are a great Mom AND photographer...
Those are BEAUTIFUL caterpillars! So jealous! lol Can't wait to see the butterflies!
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