by Robin
The hens were very noisy this morning and so they immediately got my attention. I took the keys to the shed because my guess was they were wanting more food & had knocked their feeders over. Well, imagine my surprise when I opened the nesting box to get one feeder and find this!!

My hens (technically, pullets) aren't suppose to lay for at least another month. Oh, I'm so happy for one of my girls. They're only 4.5 mo old.
Naturally, I brought the egg in the house not really sure of what to do with it, even though I've read the manual. I took pictures, then washed the poopy off of it. Then, I put it in the frig even though I know fresh eggs can be on the counter for a couple weeks. Habits are hard to break.

The young lady told me to stop all the medicated starter feed & throw away all the eggs between now & the 2 wk time-frame, once the meds clear the system. The layer feed will have more calcium and hence, better eggs. Although, in my mind, I was thinking that this one came out just fine. But, we will toss our first egg. Seems like such a waste, but ok....
While I feel like Lucky, our Light Brahma, is more mature & bigger, her eggs are suppose to be brown. So, my 2nd guess is this is an egg from my dominant Leghorn hen. Maybe I'll know more tomorrow. Leghorns are suppose to be daily layers once their systems kick in full gear. I know that eventually this will get "old" but I can't wait to see what's in the nesting box tomorrow.
Stay tuned for more details.........
Congratulations on your egg! How cool is that?
Very eggciting! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
I have tried to talk hubby into going this route, especially with the price of organic eggs, but it's a no go. And with my severe dislike for the slithery visitors that they would attract ... I'd rather spare myself the heart attacks I know I'd be setting myself up for having to care for the brood alone.
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