by Robin

Given to me by FL Mom on The Narrow Path . Thank you for honoring us.
Brilliant is defined as ... full of light; shining; glorious; magnificent; superb; wonderful; marked by extraordinary powers of intellect or invention.
The rules of this award are:
1. Display the award on your blog.
2. Post a link to the person who has awarded you.
3. Pass this award on to at least 7 other blogs.
4. Post links to the blogs you award.
5. Leave a note in the comments on the blogs you award.
I am passing this award to:
Cornish Adoption Journey - Adopting Down's Babies
Roda's blog - preacher's wife & homeschool mom
Renee's Ethiopian & Ghanian Adoptions
NO More counting the Costs - adoption
From Under the Laundry Pile - hs mom & marathon runner
Owlhaven - mom to 10, 6 of them adopted
Paradoxuganda - Missionaries from Uganda

Given by Stephanie . Thank you for loving our blog & all the fishermen's pets.
The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
I am passing this award along to:
Choice Central - Woman on a mission
Wendy - you need to blog more!
Andrea - real & transparent homeschooling from special needs to adoptions (great art too)
Rose in S. FL
Carletta "Jazzy" -Successful Homeschooling
Trish - missionary in Honduras & homeschool mom
Robin's Reports - fishing blog - Yeah, it's unfair but it never gets awards.
Thanks and congratulations everybody!!!
Robin, you are so kind-thanks for the award-I will post it with pride (humbly, of
Wow! Thanks for the compliment.
I will try to blog more often.
Thanks so much for the honor! I am now blogging over at
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