by Robin
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.This is a very straight-forward little story from the book of John. Many children learn it from Sunday school's across America. We are taught to not look down upon disabilities as curses from God. We can overcome all things through Christ. Even if you're reading this and you're not a Christian, it is politically incorrect to look down upon those with disabilities.
So, why are we judging a man with a disability? Who? What? I'm talking about John McCain. So what if the man can't use a computer. He's got secretaries, right? He's got a cell phone right? This isn't a matter of him judging new technology, it's a matter of him being unable to type & hold his shoulders in this position for any length of time. It's not his fault that he had both arms broke and cannot sit to work the keyboard. His wife helps him at times when he needs to be online. I have no idea how this became such a hot political topic. It shouldn't even be on the news much less be commented on by those in Hollywood or in the press. George W. Bush loves his blackberry, but does he have a 100% approval rating because he knows how to navigate the internet?
Do people not hear how harsh they sound when they put down a man with a disability? It doesn't affect his judgement or his means of communication otherwise. THIS is a non-issue. I'm all for a solid debate but not this piddily junk which demoralizes a war veteran and in turn, makes the speaker sound so uncompassionate.
People, wake up and smell the coffee. F. D. Roosevelt was in a wheelchair, crippled by polio, but he traveled back and forth to keep Allied nations working together during WW II. Did anybody question his ability to run the country? Obviously not since he served as President for 12 years.
It has also been brought to my attention that Bill Clinton
does not use the computer. I don't recall this coming up in the elections when Bill was running for President. It was also mentioned on TV (but can't be confirmed here) that Hillary also did not use a computer either. If that is true, would we even be talking about McCain's computer abilities. I don't think so. So why don't we get past this nonsense and get on with real issues while our economy is hurting tremendously. I've had enough of this bashing of a man who's injuries were out of his control. God has used McCain's disability to display the best of humanity during times of war and imprisionment. McCain has risen above his war scars & emotional trauma to serve his state & country. It is a true testament to the goodness that God can bring to those who have been through the worst of times.
Recently, our city was blessed by getting to hear
Nick Vujicic speak about his live without limbs. If you're interested, watch the video. His entire life is a testimony to God's purpose in one's life no matter what humanity sees as limitations. He travels the world sharing his story and inspiring others. Miraculously, in the video, you can see Nick using the computer. He brushes his hair by himself. He can even swim.
You know, we should not judge folks by their disabilities because we may need the same compassion one day. Nobody is above having a disability.
Every day is a gift from God.