WE interrupt CHICKENS to bring you PUPPIES!!!
by Robin

Sam had her well visit today in the same area as where our future puppy lives. So, we dropped by to say hello. They were tired but somebody managed to give me a few kisses on the cheek. Their personalities are coming out slowly, but surely. The male with light spots is the rowdy one. The little girl is in charge and definitely not going to miss a meal. You can't tell from the photo above, but she's fatter than the boys. We had our pick down to the carmel & dark spotted boy, whom we've nicknamed "Mole face". The teenage daughter told me a young cousin dropped Carmel boy on his head and he's had seizures. That was 3 days ago. That pretty much took him out of the running for us. Not definitely but it pretty much ruined it for Jack and I. He's also much more frail looking-acting which concerns me. So, if it were me picking a puppy today, I'd go with "Mole face". I love the dark mask on him. He's a good weight. His face is much more delicate than it looked 2 wks ago. I don't think this photo does him justice. It is so dark in their house and I have to use a flash for everything. Photo ops are slim, at best.

Sam was so good around all the cats & puppies. The adult chihuahuas were in a bedroom.
CHickens, puppies - all adorable! I feel so badly for the little guy that got dropped on his head though! Sniff, sniff! But I know how you feel; I would not want to start from that point either. Poor little bear :-((
CHickens, puppies - all adorable! I feel so badly for the little guy that got dropped on his head though! Sniff, sniff! But I know how you feel; I would not want to start from that point either. Poor little bear :-((
Aw...... that poor sweetheart getting dropped on his head! They are all so cute, but "Mole Face" is my favorite.
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