by Robin

(I'm going to keep the pics small and you can feel free to click & enlarge the ones you want.)

These are my Sweet Bell Pepper seedling now finally going into bloom. I have a bed of 17 plants that will be mixed colored variety. I put this bed right outside my bedroom window so I can enjoy the colorful view.
I also have approx 15 hot peppers on the end of my viney garden (above). They seem to be a week or so behind the sweet pepper garden. The biggest factor is lack of natural mulch materials.

Big boys are better than Better boys. I love the larger size. Great for slicing on sandwiches or making wedges for salads. Sometimes I have Better boys that tend to mush after ripening. I don't like that. Better boy is a marketing ploy, imo. LOL

The color is truly more magnificient than I could capture. It's somewhere between a canteloupe orange and yellow.

Probably 5 lbs worth of cherry tomatoes from the other day. One picking. I'm giving them away as fast as I can.
I have 3 citrus trees. My grapefruit and tangelo are very mad at me for transplanting them and haven't bloomed. This is my navel babies. See the green ball sitting on the yellow saucer? That's them. The blooms just fell off most of them.

Right next to this is the parsley.
I still don't cook with this much but I'm trying to incorporate it into mixed herbs that blend with flour for a nice frying crust on porkchops.

Well, termites *was* it! They started swarming at lunch. The joys of FL living.

(Renee, tell Jim that I need him!) I'm so thankful that they weren't swaming out of a part of my house. That would be terrible!
That's it for now. I'll probably have more garden pics in early May.
I'm still doing seedlings. I will have to take pictures. Some of them are only an inch tall still! My green peppers just started sprouting two days ago because it has been so cold, even up in our greenhouse-like attick.
Last frost day here in WNY is in mid-May. I can't wait to do my garden! It will be my first big vegetable garden.
Yowza! Beautiful garden photos, but scary termites!! Yipes! No wonder those things eat houses...
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