Today, we adopted 3 more chicks from the other 4H family. We agreed to raise all 5 for the next month or so until somebody shows or crows rooster. Then, the roosters have to go. I will keep 2 hens for egg-laying.
My Leghorns weren't too thrilled to share their home. After saying good-bye to our friends, Andrew headed back to the bin and found one of ours on top of the light. That has been remedied with a little chicken wire.
This one looks so grown up already. S/He is only 8 days old.
This gives totally new meaning to G-rated Chick TV. I go out to the back porch, prop my feet up and watch chickens at any given moment. Family friendly entertainment. Needs no batteries.

Aren't they cute?

This one looks so grown up already. S/He is only 8 days old.
It will time to build a coop very soon. It is adorable to watch them scratch around for food and build little nests. I love how sacked out they look when they sleep. I wish I could catch a picture of that, but they're onto me everytime w/ the camera beeps.
Okay, so every time I come here it makes me smile. HOW adorable are those little ones! I know the verse doesn't really refer to chickens, but when I see those little chicks, I think of the verse that speaks of God's tenderness toward even the tiniest sparrow, and says we are "more valuable than sparrows." How precious these little babies are, and how much detail and imagination God puts into creating them and changing them at every stage!
So, so cute! LOVE baby chicks!
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