by Robin
As seems to be the tradition a few Sundays now, I'd like to take a moment talk about Jesus.
We had so much fun these past couple weeks with having Thanksgiving company, learning Christmas Cantata music and seeing all the stars at Magic Kingdom, including Mickey and Minnie. However, we also grieved this week over losing a loved one. My thoughts went from one Magic Kingdom to the *true* Magic Kingdom where the King of Kings and Lord of Lords resides. A great city filled with precious stones, great walls and twelve gates made of whole pearls. Can you imagine? The foundations of the wall were garnished with jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth and amethyst. The city needed no sun or moon as it was filled with the glory of God to lighten it. The gates shall never be shut, as there is no night there. Those who are written in the Lamb's book of life will dwell there.
And God shall wipe away all tears from eyes and there is no death; neither shall there be any more pain and all former things passed away. God can make all things new.
We left her bedside at 1am, desperately praying for assurance and salvation.
I cried and thanked the Lord for such hope and so we continued praying for the next 7 days.
This morning, the 7th day since when we made this desperate prayer before the Lord and spoke with Grandma Mary about Jesus, we learned that she passed. We are heartbroken to lose such a lovely woman, yet God loves us so much that He gave us hope. You see, in Bible talk, seven stands for completion. He had heard our prayers and I have faith that He completed a work of salvation in Grandma Mary's heart. I have to have faith that Jesus was now giving her life, not Diet Coke. I believe, through faith, that when I get to heaven, I will be greeted by Mary and hear her most wonderful Florida drawl and be kissed.
For with God, nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37
This was one of the Scriptures in today's sermon at church. Our main feature song in the choir was "Presence of Glory." For me, it was all confirmation of our prayers and hope during what can be some of the most painful times in a person's life.
Are you going to the real Magic Kingdom?
Do I see a cross around her neck in that lovely picture?
If so, why is she wearing it, if not for faith in Christ?
Is it possible that she said "I'm good" because she already HAS that faith? You said "she already knew that Jesus died for her sins." I guess I'm confused why you think she didn't have a living faith.
Dear Anonymous,
She is wearing a cross and we know that for many years she prayed to have her grandson, Jack, back in her life. Jack has no childhood memories of her. So, for us, we met her in 2001 and these past 6 years have been precious.
It is very possible that she had living faith (salvation) for many years. We took no chances when she was on her deathbed. It is worth the offense to ensure that she written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
We cannot know the heart of each individual. She never professed Jesus as Lord of her life to us previously. She was very moral and sweet as can be. Again, we were just covering our bases because we love her so much.
Beautiful post (((((((((Robin)))))).
I am sorry to hear Grandma Mary passed. I believe she is at the feet of Jesus her Savior.
Your love for her and for Jesus is inspiring. What a blessing to be able to spend her last moments talking with her about the Ultimate Healer...Jesus.
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