I'll have to compose some funny stories tomorrow for you, but for today, I've got to get these great pictures up. One of the moms, Rose, has a new awesome digital camera. Nikon....(forgot!). Help Rose!
Here is our Shuttle crew. Everybody is anonymous, including my SimonPeter & Andrew on the far right.
We even found one of these guys on the back of his momma. He was great. He let me hold him a lot and gave me overwhelming urges to have more babies.
This is my long-time friend Stephanie from Atlanta. She knew me B.C. (before children). Our plans of a girls' night out ended up becoming "with kids" night out. Jack worked a lot of overtime to avoid going into work today.
Here's the background story. We all have our homeschool curriculum in common. We like to chat on the curriculum forum for help & fun stuff. The Floridian mommas even have a Yahoo group. Some of them got together 2 wks ago in Orlando for a big meet-up and then there was talk of seeing the shuttle yesterday in my area. So, I thought it would be great fun to invite "stranger, axe murderers" .....um, homeschool moms to my house for lunch after the launching. As it turned out, none of them ended up carrying axes and all were equipped with kids, food and good stories. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing.

I cannot believe that he could nap with 8 other kids playing cops & robbers throughout our home.
We live close but I think Rose's camera makes this look like we're VERY close.
I have to admit that it makes me homesick for the ocean. It reminds me a lot of those perfect, sunny days on the crystal blue water.
Right after our shuttle party ended, I had barely enough time to tidy up and have my second guest of the day show up.

It's funny that I met Stephanie on a doggie computer forum and we've been friends for over 12 years. Today, my kids and I met other homeschoolers from a schooling forum. I wonder if we'll all be good friends for many years too.
All 4 of us had dinner at the local seafood restaurant and then headed to the beach for a nice sunset walk. What a nice sky. A couple was getting married.
What a great day. Today was good too - see the fishing blog.
1 comment:
Ahhh, gorgeous shuttle launch pictures! Why couldn't it have been last week?? Bet it was awesome.
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