PSALM 150"Praise ye the Lord, Praise God in his sanctuary: praise Him for his acts of power."

This is one of my favorite Psalms because it involves music being a great way to praise God. I come from a family of musicians and music lovers, so it would only be natural that this speaks to my soul. This chapter talks about praising God with trumpets, harps, stringed instruments, organs and cymbals. Then it finishes with "Let everything that have breath praise the Lord." I have so much to be thankful for.

It has been said that men are the head of the household, but let it be known that women are the heart of the home. We set the tone through our actions and reactions. Our love and mercy. Our intelligence and keen sense of shopping. (LOL) Even the Proverbs 31 woman was a sensible & shrewed business woman on top of devoting her life to her children and servents' needs. She was somebody her husband could be proud of........ trust and entrust.

For me, as I raise fishermen who hopefully will be one day called to be fishers of men, it is my pleasure to wake up each morning, praising God. Our home is our sanctuary. Our lives are a testament to His great changing powers. I want my kids to remember a Momma who had lots of joy in her life, dancing & singing in the kitchen. One whose strength was in the Lord.
We had a little fun this morning since it was Halloween. I had Simon Peter take pictures of me as I sang in the kitchen, making breakfast. I edited the photos to put the emphasis on praise on not myself. Click to enlarge and enjoy the color in the neon.

Be safe everyone & remember to praise the Lord,
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