Give Thanks with a Grateful HeartThat's the opening line of one of my favorite songs to sing in the church at Thanksgiving time. Jack and I once did it as a duet and he played guitar. It was simple but the words couldn't have meant more, as we have had our share of lean paychecks and skimpy pantries. I still think of this song everytime I pull out my Fall decorations and see a big platter of food on the table. Every other Friday, I stock the pantry from the wholesale club. I call it endurance shopping since it takes hours. However, that may be the only negative to it. I rarely have to shop over the next 2 weeks. I'm so grateful for that.
Yesterday was one of those Fridays. Jack was trying to wrap-up everything with the boat and garage before the line of super-cell storms came through. I did the shopping alone, which isn't always a blessing when endurance shopping. Jack was going to surprise the boys with a trip to the fish market. Sometimes I think they like that as much as going to ToysRUs - - sometimes.
When I got back home, there were my men in the kitchen. Emeril doesn't have anything on these guys. Mom & Dad, they were heating up the steamer you got Jack for his birthday. Three pounds of snow crab legs and ?? pounds of clams. What a sight.
Everybody helped unload and put up groceries so we could set up the table for the feast. I will never take it for granted eating good food like this. I know how blessed we are to get fresh seafood (except the snow crab legs come frozen) in a port-side town. And how blessed we are to have Jack at a good job so we can afford anything more than beans. So, I give thanks with a grateful heart. (Look at my little pilgrims - from Cracker barrell)

Afterwards, Jack and I we watching a little YouTube (Amazing Grace played w/ guitar funk) and the boys knocked to come in. "Sure."
They come in saying, "We're soooo full from all that good food." They stuffed basketballs under their shirts.
Life is never boring at our home. There's always a comedy routine going most nights. After this, I was still very tired and a bit headachy from the approaching storms, so all my guys pitched in with folding 3 loads of laundry, unloading the dishwasher and washing up all those big steam pots & pans. Again, I gave thanks with a grateful heart.