Wednesday, March 11, 2015

GARDEN UPDATE - 1 month feat. Tiki (bonus pic)

by Robin

First, we must have a little dog cuteness before we go GREEN!!  (In honor of St. Patrick's Day coming up next week.)

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Ok, nothing grew very well while it was still cold the first couple weeks of February, but wow!! Everything is taking off now.   Not everything is photographed, but many things are.

Okra   - I need to reseed some more where the chickens found a way into the garden.
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Red Russian Kale
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Early Cabbage
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Campari tomatoes
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Big Tasty Maters
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Big Mama (Paste) tomatoes  (oops?? - I skipped photographing it.)

Sweet Bell Peppers - I am shocked these are coming up so well in March.  That is proof of how warm it is here.  Soil is ready to go for peppers!
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Jalapenos - maybe it will be a banner year for pepper.
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Burpless Cucumbers - got a whole row because you can never have enough dill pickles, bread-n-butter, relish and fresh for salads!
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Mayflower bean vine - Oops!  Better get a fence out there NOW!
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Onion buds
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Beans in love with Onions
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Sure-Thing  Zucchini - sure hope these do better than last year.  My others were covered up too much by tomatoes in the other garden.  Moved them over to Garden 1 this year.
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Sweet Potatoes - naturally came up because we did not find all the runners.  Awesome.  Can't wait to pull these in the fall. They are the easiest potato to grow!!
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Yellow Squash - doing good other than what Harris hen is trying to kill.
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Big tomato (? variety) - planted by hens.  LOL
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Ugly Ripe tomato - this one isn't as ripply as the other two.
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Cherry tomatoes - been eating on these a month.
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Broccoli - finally, they're kicking in with the added fertilizer and more frequent irrigation.
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Swiss Chard - not very happy on the vertical garden.  Thinking about putting into the ground.  Hmmm.
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Dill - always the sickliest looking babies but somehow they manage to thrive later.
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Flat-Leaf Italian Parsley - last year's leftovers.
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Aloe!!!  Oh my!! - this is just half of the bunch from last year's splitting.  I started with 3 tiny babies given to me from a friend.  Anyone need aloe???
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Thyme - also leftover from last year.  I lost my lemon basil but the German variety persists.
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Lime tree blooms
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Thai Basil bloom.   I do not enjoy eating Thai basil AT ALL but the bees absolutely love it, so it stays here.  photo DSC_0163-1_1.jpg

My garden gnome.  He follows me as I work in the gardens.
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Tiki says he loves everyone!
Happy Gardening!!


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