Saturday, January 10, 2015


by Robin

I had a great photography class from a friend who also owns a Nikon and Light Room 5.

 photo DSC_0865-1.jpg

I thought I would take what I learned and put it to practice today.

 photo DSC_0864-1-2.jpg

Hope you don't mind seeing the same pictures twice.  For this one, my intent was to turn a photograph into a pencil drawing.  Looks pretty much like what I used to draw for people in a fraction of the time I would spend on a piece.

 photo DSC_0871-1.jpg

Btw, the new pullets (5-6 wk old chicks are in their outdoor pen trying to adjust to their new world.  I may still have to bring them in tonight because it will go down to 61 deg, but so far... they're in shock at what dirt feels like.  The other hens barely looked at them (from the outside).

Have a blessed weekend.

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