Thursday, April 24, 2014


by Robin

This has got to be the best year for big tomatoes ever.  It's crazy.  They just keep coming and coming.   I've made salsa, sun-dried tomatoes, spaghetti sauce and soon, gonna try making paste.

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 Here are about 20 pictures with not much order or explanation. Seems like I should be doing other things more productive with my time besides blogging.  Tis the busy season.

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Potato dirt - The leaves were rotted, so I thought I would dump it.  It had a premature death and so we didn't get many.
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Egg harvest

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Garden 1 - this garden looks a mess but something very important is going on here.  My broccoli are seeding out, we are attracting bees and then my things that need bees are getting pollinated.

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Drying seeds - After the broccoli heads bloom (yellow), then you get these seed pods.  They're EVERYWHERE!   But, you can see some are going brown and need to be pulled before they drop their seed.
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Bees - there are 2 on this broccoli bloom.  We lured them in a couple months ago by letting these plants seed out.

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Acorn Squash - now the bees are finding the cucumbers and squash.  I have 2 acorn squash.  Here's one.

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Here's another one

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Beets - I don't have many of these, but I wanted to experiment with juicing some and maybe pickling.

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Herbs & Eaton.   These are mostly parsley and a variety of basils, sage...

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Red Leaf Lettuce & mixture

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Today's Lettuce Bowl - Even though I'm not getting tons and tons of lettuce, it is doing better than any other lettuce I have put in the ground.  I am enjoying my vertical container garden. Lulu, our bunny, is too.

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Cilantro in front and Swiss Chard in the middle.  Sweet basil is just out of the picture.  I have more of that in the big gardens too.  And we have fresh dill.

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Garden 2 Frontside:   You can see some onions that were transplanted after the chickens destroyed the container they were in.  Okra is about knee-high.  Radishes have a couple more weeks and they're ready.  Hopefully, you can recognize the out-of-control tomatoes & yellow squash.  Cucumbers are in the back.  Inside trellis has some beans for drying.

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Garden 2 Back - same garden, backside.  Those are zucchini in the bottom right.  Only male blooms which is disappointing.

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It's hard to tell because it looks like an overgrown mess but here are the Okra, Bell Peppers and Radish rows.
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Yellow squash - the females have the little yellow bodies. I am hand pollinating these with a Q-tip because the bees aren't coming here for whatever reason. The top-left bloom is a girl. The bottom-right is a boy. See the difference in size? Of course, there is also the yellow fruit that helps differentiate too.

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Today's harvest, minus a few squash I picked yesterday. See how pitiful my red potatoes grew?  I hope my other container is doing a much better job.  They're still going strong.  I've also bagged and given away 3 bags of cherry tomatoes.  Those do not do well for canning, but they freeze well.

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So there you see the bulk of my garden.  I'm still very much an amateur hobbyist but we do this to eat chemical and wax-free vegetables.

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