We went scalloping mid-August!! And we had a very successful trip. BEST FAMILY VACATION EVER!!!
My men with their loot on one trip down. We made several trips down until we filled the 5 gallon bucket.
And no trip would be "best" without our best fuzzy friends, who were kept cool with their own personal battery-powered fan. SPOILED!
We made it all the way home and I noticed a rip in the tire on the right. What? There was a 6" rip of tire, exposing the metal treads. A few days later, this is what we saw. Both tires were about to blow and yet, God was there who kept us safe. I thank Him for our safety.
My Jack went in for surgery last week on his rotator cuff, only to find out the MRI lied. However, he did have severe bursitis and so the dr hollowed out his joint area. Who need those last few millimeters of collarbone? Not him!! Brave man. I know that was a painful recovery.
We were blessed that God gave us a second brilliant mechanic in the family. Simon Peter and I were able to hitch up the boat, move it and put the right side on jacks. And he totally removed those tires, took them to the store to have them re-rubbered (? I'm sure Jack will correct me here.) and then put them back on. I am so grateful that he's willing to do hard work.
As for the garden, here is a sampling of what I would pick at the end of August. I have sweet bell pepper plants that will produce several peppers at once. I'm loving the fresh, pesticide-free produce. The bugs have disappeared, at least for now.
Oh and I cannot forget to mention this cutie-pie. Andrew had his braces put on. Where has the time gone? This is MY BABY! He'll be asking me for keys before I know it.
He's advancing through 7th grade. We pack up our books and sit twice a week at the local community college library and we do all our subjects. It's been the biggest blessing in disguise to spend 8 hours of devoted time on him. Don't misunderstand me, it was HIS biggest blessing. Originally, the thought of having to sit & wait for his brother was unappealing. God had such a sense of humor. The first day, people were paparazzing him thinking he was the youngest student on campus. Now, they hardly give him a 2nd look. The attention was funny and it made him like going to college. The pay-off was that we ADD-proned folks had nothing to do but focus on a pleasant time of learning together. Our little back table feels like our little hang-out.
When we're home doing school, his favorite subject is the science experiments. Here is his first one where he examined different densities.
Back to my big boy and my okra TREES! Last time we measured them, they were 9 ft 3". I think they're over 10 ft by now. Time to go measure again. Thank goodness the production is finally slowing down. I have 3 full gallon baggies in the freezer. I've fed friends and family until we're okra'd out.
While picking okra one day, I was pleasantly surprised to see this hiding behind some leaves. A ruby in the garden. What a precious gem to my soul to see that I had a different color in the garden.
Here is my red pepper a week later when it was photographed for my harvest that day. I should also add in here that my guys ate their fill of jalapeno poppers (w/ cream cheese & wrapped in bacon). This are very mild jalapenos and so they are a big hit.
I've got some foodie photos for the near future. I have very little time these days especially with playing Nurse Nightingale, Professor and Chef but I'm thankful that my night was quiet to get this much done.
God bless and I pray God is treating you well.
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