I'm not even sure where to start with where our month went. Hours were spent schooling. I have one in high school. He's taking such a full load that I can barely keep up with all the grading, teaching, testing and organizing everything in the books. It's like a full-time job in itself.
Then, I have my not-so little man, who is fairly independant in his day, except for math (new concepts), Lang Arts and Greek/Latin roots. I spend a lot of my free time reading his readers to keep up with what is going into his brain.
At night, it is either yard work, chores, xbox or decent tv. I relish those hours of stillness, although they certainly aren't quiet or still for the boys. The boys are busy with chatting to Dad or amongst themselves. They wrestle, taunt, tease, joke, prank, you name it!! Boys never seem to stop moving until they're sleeping in the bed. Even while brushing & flossing, they seem to have constant physical contact. I have warned them every night for the past dozen years to quit horsing around while brushing teeth.
Speaking of horses, a few mornings of the week, we like to bike for exercise. I totally enjoy our time together. My youngest is not a morning person, but his reward is seeing horses. And then, all of us, get very happy. Here are some pictures I captured last week.
After the carrots & pets are done, we bike another 2 miles home. It seems to go much quicker.
I have to say, it is the best way to start our day.
God bless,
PS: Garden pictures are coming soon!!
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