A few weeks ago, we did our last of the dissections. The kids had a great time digging into their specimens.
Crayfish - looks similar to dinner.
Then, they did a perch next - also looks like dinner or bait.
Last, they dissection their frogs. It was very cool because you can figure out the organs a bit easier because they seem to be more similar to the human body than compared to an earthworm or crayfish.
Nearly 2 weeks ago, we got back together for more experiments. We did a lot of slide/ microscope work first. Then, plant ID. But, the funnest part was the pH experiment where we boiled up red cabbage into a certain amount of water.
Cabbage water on left, windex in center (suppose to be clear but the blue did work) and white vinegar on right.
As we poured in Windex in, the pH changed!!
VIDEO REMOVED because it refuses to wait to be played when asked.
Then, we could pour vinegar back into it and revert it back to it's original color.
Very fun for all of us. Before we knew it, a few hours had passed and class was over. On Friday, we meet together one more time for more plant - flower labs. I'm trying to decide if we want to continue into Chemistry or Physics for next year. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions.
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