Seventeen years ago, I was a scared young bride. The word forever scared me to death but I knew I wanted to be with this man. I was unsure what "forever" felt like. I was unsure if people, in general could ever really love each other for the rest of their lives. Were they satisfied sixty years later like they were on their wedding day?
Thank goodness, God put something in our hearts. We were head over heels in love with each other. Inseperable, pretty much from the 3rd date on. I knew I could make it if I took one day at a time. I knew how much I loved waking up and having him in my life and hearing the phone ring for me and it was his voice. He proposed on week 3 and we set the wedding 5 1/2 mo after we met. Most everyone thought we were crazy. (I was thankful to have a boss who married his long-time wife 10 days after they had met. He was a great encouragement to me.)
I let each line of the vows we made to each other sink in. When I said them, I said them outloud to my sweetie, but in my heart, I said them to God as a promise that He would make it all work out for richer or poorer, sickness and good health, and in better and worse times. Trust me, we've had all 6 of those experiences and each time, the knot held because HE held it together for us with that same desire in our hearts. No matter how many hard times we faced either with the world or with each other, we'd look up through the tears and the other would be there.
Love is much better 17 years later than it was on my wedding day. It is deeper, more-patient, more enduring than young love. And fishermen know, the curves & twists of a knot becomes permanently fixed over time, while weathering daily elements & storms. Eventually, the knot is impossible to undo. Marriage knots are the same.
I can only guess that being married to Jack will be even more satisfying after 60 years than was on our wedding day.
Happy Anniversary Honey!!
awww! How sweet! Happy 17 years to both of you. Enjoy the day, and the next 17 years!
(you have one year on us!)
OH MY.. you have only scratched the surface. May you enjoy love together for far longer than what you have shared so far. Blessing and joy be always by your side.
B C (married 32 years)
Awesome! Happy anniversary to you and Jack! And I love the story about the knots. I have never thought of it that way, that ropes weather into that shape.
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