by Robin
Mid-April (couple weeks ago)
Last week, getting a few more tomatoes, some oranging.
Yesterday... yeah!! Enough beans for dinner, big toms, cherry toms and a handful of herbs to cook with that night. (thyme & dill)
Other new happenings..... couple sweet bell peppers. This plant is about 18 mo old and still producing in the main garden.
I'm getting my first cucumber. I have 2 fertilized and another one I missed in the side garden. It was tiny anyhow.
Okra have taken off inspite of their very poor stem/leaf growth. I have almost pulled these plants a couple of times. I have a lot to learn about okra.
Remember the pinapple from the last garden report?? Well, it is growing nicely. Both fruits have the beginnings of tops. They are also displaying these gorgeous little flowers on their sides.
So much else is growing well. Many tom plants are over a foot high and some are showing signs of putting out yellow blooms this week. We eat regularly off the herbs. I'm collecting lettuce & onion seeds currently too. I get a meal's worth of beans about every 10days- 2 wks.
I hope to put out more pictures soon. I've taken them... I'm just trying to get my week started, then post later.
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