I've been getting some cherry tomatoes all month, but they're coming slowly at this point. The blooms have just picked up with all this heat and increased sunlight. Yeah!!
But, I wanted to show of some new things in the garden.
My lettuce needed picking because it is bolting. In one week, I got three Big Boy tomatoes. I've only eaten one of them, but yummy.... they're great.
My bush beans looked like this a week ago. Cute little white buds.
They burst out with purple blooms. When those fell off, they had teeny tiny beans. I do not know how much longer it will be before I can pick fully-grown beans. I'm much happier with the bush variety vs the vine type.
A couple/few weeks ago, I began seeing this on the ends of my older (18 mo+) bunching onions. I have never in my life seen an onion seed. I thought they grew new bulbs but I guess not for bunching.
And then two days ago, they started putting out their little stamens. How cute! I can't wait to harvest my own onion seeds for the very first time.
Here's another bud.
These are lettuce flowers which will turn into seeds for my next planting. My lesson learned last year is to make sure that you allow the seeds to full dry before closing the ziplock or else they will mold.
Well, these were just the new things in the garden that I could try my new zoom feature on. I am hoping to have more harvest pictures soon.
*The hot pepper plants have blooms on them (last year's plants).
*The baby sweet bell peppers are about 3-5" tall. No where ready to start producing.
*The okra is weird. I must have some bad soil type for it to produce. Nothing has ever grown well in that spot.
*The citrus trees are in bloom. The fragrance is great.
* All varieties of tomatos are around the 4" mark.
* We just had rain 3 days in a row!! What a huge blessing. We had a good soaking through last night, so I'm praying that will help boost growths. The sprinkler will never replace natural watering.
*Dill, basil and thyme seedlings are coming along. I'm so glad I planted basil since my 2 bigger plants died in the hard freeze.
* Zinnias are making a nice row and should make a beautiful border if the slugs don't eat all their leaves first.
Happy Gardening.
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