On my other blog about fishing and food related to our catches, I posted up some pictures of Jack cooking seafood . He is an excellent cook in the kitchen. It is no secret that I am not. I'm decent and I love a good recipe BUT, it is not second nature to me. Jack inherited his ability to cook from his mama, who can literally pull leftovers and flour out of my pantry & frig and make an entirely new gourmet meal. This is not my gift. My gift is painting that conch shell over the oven.
(Mom, don't look at the shirt......at least flour comes out easily.)
It does look as if both my boys have inherited Jack's love for cooking. I've posted in the summer them cooking eggs. They love to make garlic bread and put together their own sandwiches. Oh and my little man (9yo) would be lost if he couldn't make macaroni & cheese once a week. And I believe that sifting flour has become a new favorite thing. (Sorry about the flash vs bowl issue. Um.... and don't look in the sink.)
Each year, they insist on an entire day of baking Christmas cookies. How could I say no?
I have deeper thoughts about how this makes good training for their future wives. (Shhhhh, don't tell them that.) Below, my little one is now only making Thumbprint cookies. This was my great Aunt Alice's recipe. He's rolling the dough in walnuts.
I even have taught them to run the washing machine, dryer and fold laundry. "Train them up in the way they should go....", right? Below, Simon Peter gets the priviledge of making the thumb prints, which will hold the jam.
Definitely use chunky jams or preserves. I love getting whole pieces of strawberry in with my walnuts. These are pictured below pre-baking. They are so deadly post-baking that I can't even show you a photo. One stick of butter per dozen.
When my sisters and I were little, we used to get these fun jobs too. Moms should always let their kids in the kitchen!! Remember that saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach him to fish and he'll eat a lifetime."
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas.
Don't let the okra pods get too long - 3 inches seems to be about the perfect size for okra. I've had them grow larger than that when I've not been able to get out to the garden and they've been fine though. Keep them picked regularly so the plants will keep producing. You can squeeze the pods gently between your fingers - if they crunch and seem hollow they are no good. I have found it easiest to pick them by cutting them off the plants using scissors. They will store fresh in the fridge for a few days.
Looks like lots of fun baking going on at your house! I used to have ds1 help in the kitchen quite a bit, but got out of the habit when my little guy came along. If they were closer in age, I think it would be easier (then again, maybe not LOL).
Thanks for coming by for a visit! I feel like we are acquaintances, because when I check Renee's blog, I read your comments :) We are still waiting to hear from CIS, and praying about funds. I feel really restless about now. Things are so close, yet not. The children are just beautiful, don't you think? We think they look soooo much like their brothers.
Talk with you soon. Have a blessed new year.
Hey Miss Robin!
I am Deborah's daughter.
Your blog is really neat!
Every year I think we bake all day too! It is always so much fun! Your boys are precious! I love to bake too! I think one of the greatest things is to watch people eat and enjoy what you have prepared for them!
Come see me sometime at:
"There are two things I am sure of. I am great sinner. And Christ is a great Savior."
Amazing Grace.
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