Oh no, here comes the camera.

Just act normal honey....... What's that you're reading??
"The Cat who went to Heaven"
Then, I took the picture as a choir of angels began singing, "Ahhhhhhhh............" at the top of their lungs. Look at the light in the picture. What a picture of God shining down on His child.

I'm sure it is a Mom thing. Where's a homeschooling photo contest? We happen to use Sonlight Curriculum, so I'll probably enter this in their catalog photo contest.
Ack....... I must go and send this out to several hundred family members.
(I'm really one of THE most proud mamas! Borderline sinful.)
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing!
Please submit your photos to the Sonlight catalog. Great photos are so important [smile].
In fact, we're working on a place to upload your photos to a Sonlight web gallery type thing. It's going to be way cool, but it's still in development [shhh... don't tell anyone]. I really don't know when it will be available, so for now I'll just have to enjoy your photos on your blog [smile].
Have a great day!
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