Thursday, November 20, 2008


Oh my, I'm having one of those weeks where my eye looks like this rainforest frog. I'm healing an eye infection. Please keep praying for me.

I keep putting a lot of drops in my eyes and they're working but after a few days of doing this, I'm only 60% healed. It will take me the rest of the weekend to stop the infection & heal the upper cornea layer.

Then, I get different drops next week to remove fluid build-up between the corneal layers.

For now, I've been doing a lot of pirate impersonations, sleeping & listening. I went out in public last night for the first time since it worsened and I scared a poor child. My waitress was doing her best to not be speechless or stare at my eyeball.

I have to agree that I look like the Bride of Frankenstein with 2 different size pupils, red eyeball, opaqueness on part of my iris and swollen eye-lids. Oh, did I mention profuse watering? My only other choice are those big cheap sunglasses the optometrist gives you after your eye appts.

I wish I looked as cute as this sweet pup with my messed up eye.

I hope to be back up & blogging by Thanksgiving or so. Right now, the white computer screen hurts too much look at.

Happy Thanksgiving ALL!!! Safe travels to many of you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


by Robin
Great smiles with the humans, dogs acting up.

Everybody acting up

Dogs watching hawk flying above, not the cookie.

Everybody totally bored with me

Be watching for the real picture to come via mail in a couple weeks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


by Robin

Here were some pictures of the pups in their Halloween costumes.
Impossible to catch Captain still for a second.

Whoa Doggie!!!



Here are some close-ups on their faces.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008


by Robin

Sorry......... I'm behind. We followed Pioneer Woman's recipe for making Halloween eye balls. After you make the cake balls, you dip in white chocolate. In theory, this sounded good but in reality, it was a huge mess and so we ended up tossing the whole batch.

The boys still wanted to show off their "gross" pictures.





Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today I’ll think of all the things
That God has done for me –
His wonderful provision
For salvation full and free.

I’ll thank Him for His blessings
That come to me each day,
For all the answers that He sends
When I kneel down and pray.

I’ll thank Him for His wondrous grace
That keeps me day by day
From all temptations fierce and wild
He always makes a way.

“Tis sweet indeed to know the Lord
An trust His tender care,
To rest completely in His love
And sweet communion share.

Sylvia I. Roache

Friday, November 7, 2008


by Robin

I've found a new hobby that isn't as time consuming as chicken raising. Babysitting. My neighbors bought a beautiful 10 wk old English Bulldog last weekend. I've been going over every day about 10am to let her out to potty.

Goodness is she cute! Jack gave me that "look" and I gave him the evil eye back. No, we're not getting one. Or a boxer. We've already got 2, plus lost 4 pets last month. I'm just now able to live w/o daily pills nor liquid antihistamines in my eyes.

Anyhow, I just wanted to share a picture of her with you all (my 4 subscribed fans). LOL.
I have a couple more good pictures to share but they were all taken at huge megapixels. Must downsize and share later.
Babysitting is great because then her Momma & Daddy can be responsible for housebreaking & vet bills. LOL. I get to kiss that smooshed up mug once in a while.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

ALL babies are BLESSINGS!!!!

by Robin

Listen to this beautiful testimony from Mark Richt, head coach for UGA bulldogs (my alma mater) football team.

Not only do we love the team, we love the coach!! (Reminds me of "Cheaper by the Dozen")


How beautiful are your feet in shoes,

O prince’s daughter!

The curves of your thighs are like jewels,

The work of the hands of a skillful workman.

Thank you, my beloved, for making my feet beautiful in my new shoes. You make me feel like royalty and like I am a precious jem.

Song of Songs 7:10 I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me.

Oooh, goosebump moment.


Your beloved!!

Monday, November 3, 2008


by Robin




1 wk old Cucumber trees.

1 mo Cucumber leaves

1 mo String bean leaves

Bell Pepper babies

String Bean leaf

Misplaced tomato baby. This is why I don't weed every little thing. I never know when I'm going to get something that I want to keep.

Italian Flat-leaf Parsley babies

Growing Iceberg Lettuce

Leeks, getting stronger

Sunday, November 2, 2008


by Robin

Oh no, here comes the camera.

Just act normal honey....... What's that you're reading??

"The Cat who went to Heaven"

Then, I took the picture as a choir of angels began singing, "Ahhhhhhhh............" at the top of their lungs. Look at the light in the picture. What a picture of God shining down on His child.

And then this photo......... stole my heart. I love his eyes. I didn't do anything special to make the background fade. That was all the sun's doing. I only added a little takes my breath away. I love this PHOTO!!!

I'm sure it is a Mom thing. Where's a homeschooling photo contest? We happen to use Sonlight Curriculum, so I'll probably enter this in their catalog photo contest.

Ack....... I must go and send this out to several hundred family members.

(I'm really one of THE most proud mamas! Borderline sinful.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


by Robin

Oh what fun we had last night!!!! (my trunk below - "Celebrate the feast of the harvest")

Twenty-five trunks were "donated" for our church's Trunk-or-Treat outreach to the community. It is our goal that all children get to get treats from safe people in a safe environment. No cars are allowed to travel through the section where the kids can run around.
Inside, there is free food for kids & parents. We rent multiple jumpy houses & obstacle courses and the kids exhaust themselves there. It's all indoors too!! No mosquitos!!

Outside, we line one side of the church with cars on both sides of the parking lot. To bring out a bigger effort from members, there is a little contest on who has the best trunk. I don't think there is a gift, but an honorable mention in church Sun morning & bragging right. LOL. We have the most amazing pumpkin carver at our church who won last year. You'd think he was a surgeon but he works at the post office. Hmmmm.... wait......don't think 'postal'. Ok? LOL He's a nice man.

So, I'm going to show you several trunks that were my favorites. Some were unfocused so I had to dump those today. Oops. Our only requirement was that we had nothing too scary & preferably from the Bible.
"I go prepare a place for you." Decorated by a 12 yo girl!!!

The pumpkin carver - this cannot be appreciated during the daylight. He even had Jonah in the belly of that whale.

Above - Fruit of the Spirit - each one of those tags represented a different "fruit".

Below - done by Missionaries back home from abroad, asking for workers for the harvest. They just might be homeschoolers, you think?? LOL

Below - "Don't store up your treasures on earth but in heaven. Where your treasure is, so is your heart." Even the candy was wrapped in gold & silver. This trunk was donated by the Pastor & his parents, the Director of Missions for our county.