by Robin
This is going to be a very emotional day for me & the family. To spare you my medical history, in light of new-found ailments, my Opthamologist says, "Environmental allergies". Andrew's bloodwork results come in on next Monday but I'm pretty certain his ENT is going to say "Allergies and here's a referral to an allergist" since he found not obstruction in his throat.

So, as much as it breaks my heart, I'm certain of my allergies to the chickens. It has been that way since I first held my fuzzy Leghorn chicks. I was so glad when I found out they were both girls. Lucky, now

renamed Aunt Bea because of her hips, joined our girls at 1 wk old. They were hatched out by my friend doing the same Embryology project. She's a Brahma. I thought if they lived outside, I wouldn't be affected; however, I forgot how much time I'd spend cleaning nesting boxes & reloading feed. Did I mention that hay makes me sneeze too?
Anyhow, they will be going to new homes this week. Below is Aunt Bea & Penny, grown up and sitting on a low fence under the playhouse, saying good-bye. They've been coop-mates for 6 months. Aunt Bea is going to my friends small flock of 4 to continue being a backyard chicken.

Her life will remain pretty much the same except for new scenery and friends.

I am really going to miss her hips and her waddle.
And her beautiful coat pattern. I just think she is a beautiful girl and would have loved to have the boys show her at the Fair this winter.

Feel free to click on the below picture and see the black marks. It's almost as if they were hand-painted by God. I love the pattern.

Essie was busy at the moment to take parting shots. I'm sure she'll say her good-byes privately this afternoon.

And we have another momentus parting (possibly) today. Our recent addition, Sam, is going to meet a family of 5, including 3 boys this afternoon. Sam has been a wonderful addition to our family. Her personality is delightful and she came already "assembled" with no issues. This is why it is so hard to make this decision.

Why her and not the chihuahuas? Well, it isn't because they're cute and she isn't. Cuteness can only get you so far. Honestly, the pups are a LOT of work and sometimes I feel discouraged that we'll never get through the teething stage. Sam is definitely the "good one". We're much more attached to Sam than the babies.

She's gentle, loving, playful, self-entertaining, house-broken, well-mannered and the list goes on. The decision was made solely on her coat type. She consistently sheds a lot of oily, wirey hair & dandruff containing dander. She loves to shake a good couple-dozen times a day which is endearing to watch but bad for dander-control.

The chi-boys have soft hair which was more like the texture of our former boxer, whom we lost in February. Plus, they get thrown into the shower a couple times a week to prevent dander build-up. I guess you could say I'm hedging my bets but have no guarantee this will work. I went from being fine to needing an inhaler immediately and then having eye infections soon there-after. Something has to give as much as I know this is painful & disruptive for each one of us.

Here is Simon Peter with his girl. He's crushed. He's mad. He's emotional. My heart is breaking cuz his heart is broken.

Sammy, you will be more than missed here. Yep, right down to your cute little, meaty man-hands. I'll miss you staring out at the rain and knowing that you're thinking, "No way in this world am I touching wet grass." I know the squirrels will be the only one happy to see you gone. They will now have reign of the trees AND grass.
Ok......... kleenex time.

Aunt Bea, please peck an email to me when Ms. Thomas lets you. Let me know about your new friends and what color eggs they lay.
One distraught mama........more changes tomorrow.
So hard and so sad. Sam is so beautiful, and I know she is loved by all of you. Love is never wasted. You all made a difference in her life. Sometimes, we are just bridges in one another's lives, meant only to get each other over and through, to another time and place.
She and the hens will always remember your home.
I was gonna say something, but crowzma hit the nail on the head! What a great way to put it!
I know it is so hard, but you have to do what's best for you guys. The animals do understand and they know you love them!
You must miss Sam and the girls so much, but I know Sam has a great new home and you have done the best for everyone involved! Have a hug.
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