We were in the midst of Fay. I was bored. I had sleeping puppies on my lap. Camera nex

t to my end of the couch.
Who could resist a picture or two or three or ten?

It's so rare that they stay still for a closeup.
And to get a toe shot........ priceless. Chihuahuas hate to be on their backs. Wanna see a chihuahua in a bad mood? Put them on their back.

I could kiss this wet nose all day long. I love the little mole.

Oh and this fat belly. It's irresistable & must be rubbed.

Or the precious bunny rabbit position where the feet are up by the front feet? See that right ear wanting to go up. It's trying.

Because they were so exhausted, I decided to mold & shape them the way I wanted to photograph them. My goal here was to show you the difference in length of the arms (height), but what my eye sees is LOVE. Puppy love. Adorable snuggling.
Hope they don't hate me when they grow up and I show this to their girlfriends.
I mean........c'mon...... this is adorable stuff, right?
Oh yeah, and my original thought was to show you the difference in arm length. Captain is so much taller & leaner than Tiki. Tiki is "the baby."
You've got it bad! :) Glad you're enjoying some puppy cuddles. How cute! cute!!!
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