by Robin
Honestly, I didn't follow the shuttle story much this week other than to know it needed a new toilet. I'm not even sure which craft went up. D'oh! BUT, I do know the weather was beautiful. We were in the driveway washing the boat when I heard that tell-tale sound of shuttle engines blasting off.
The kids came running out of the house to see this....

Less than a minute later, it is many miles away and the big boosters have fallen off. It is but a mere dot in a blue sky.

Then, life resumes in our household. If we have time, we watch all the replays on NASA channel, but this time we didn't. I sure hope they get their toilet fixed with all those engineers on board.
Please pray for us. We're remodeling the school room. I didn't like these stripes for my beach idea and so we are stripping this wall today. We discovered a cute mural under the paper. It must have been a nursery room at one time. Ahhh..

My fishermen are getting an education on why never to wallpaper your home. LOL.
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