Growing our own food in Zone 9b, East Central Florida. Mixture of annual vegetables and permaculture
Saturday, June 28, 2008
by Robin
I don't care how many times I seen Part 1 or 2, I cry every single time. Does anybody else do this? Not a lot of tears, but I get choked up & my eyes get a bit blurry when I see their love for each other. Mom Baker (Bonnie Hunt) makes for the perfect mother of 12, using wit mixed in with many kisses for her kids. Having a sense of humor must be a pre-requisite for all parents of large families.
I am so blessed to know two large families of 13 (parents included). Here is one of them. The other family doesn't blog. I just love them all.
Thank you Lord for my fishermen and for blessing me with a heart for children. Thank you for the strength you give me each week to work with YOUR children at church. Give me a tender heart, open arms, an abundance of patience and a big funny bone to boot.
God's Girl
Thursday, June 26, 2008

On a poultry side note, I let the chickens out this morning and totally forgot about them for HOURS. A big storm came up and it never dawned on me that they were out there in the back yard. Upon running out there, we could only find 2.
How To Plant Your Garden
First, you Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses....
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
Sunday, June 22, 2008

(Unpictured) I have a yellow sweet bell pepper plant that produced green peppers all fall/winter and this week, it seems to be producing a yellow one. Does the heat vs water change the color of peppers? I wish I could ask God this question.

by Robin

To my own father, I love you and am so thankful to have shared the first half of my life with you. You have instilled so many things in my life but I have to publically credit you with giving me the love for gardening, animals, fishing, and music. You have well-equipped me for being a mom of boys.
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I think I got this recipe off of Food Network website, but Angela & Angie, this is for you.
Use a nice type of bread, not cheap white bread. I actually cheated on the panini part. I toasted first to avoid grilling like a grilled cheese afterwards. (Mommy short-cut) One bread has Nutella (hazelnut/cocoa spread) & banana slides on it. The other side is Nutella and Marshmallows. Smoosh together, sprinkle some 10x sugar, then drizzle dark chocolate syrup on top.
Entirely messy, finger-licking goodness. S'mores for adults.
(PS: I feel a garden report brewing soon. Lots of things changing in the garden.)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We started our first day of school on Monday. (Our dry/erase board isn't hung yet, but the desks are clean enough to begin work.) We're going to do a light summer schedule.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008

It was time for the roosters to find a farm. They are at the local feed & seed store. Not a very nice Father's Day gift for the boys.

Don't you wonder what they were thinking as they rode in a dog crate in the back of a SUV?
(Thank you Jack for making Lucky lucky once more. She is blessed to have you as a soft-hearted chicken-Dad. ) We have 3 hens remaining. Two Wh Leghorns and 1 Lt. Brahma.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
by Robin
Great news!! The test results are in! Both boys have passed their grades and will be starting 7th and 3rd grades.
Technically, my youngest is between grades. He's already a few months into 3rd grade. So, we just stay on course for him. (He's like a held-back for age, accelerated learner - it's complicated.)
As for me, I passed my 1st mammogram. Yeah! It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. (Timing is everything! Thank you God.)

Sunday, June 8, 2008
by Robin

Let's be honest..... the heat is here. The t-storms aren't. We're in a drought. If we don't use the sprinklers, everything dies quickly.

I'm also picking iceberg lettuce seeds. Carrots are getting bigger. Cherry toms are producing much less.

Two chicks (i.e. roosters) are leaving this week.

Here is my first harvest of hot peppers. Slim, (red) cayennes picked before they went red in the fall. The mild Anaheim (like a banana pepper) in the middle. Jalapeno on the right. These are my guinea pigs to see how I'm going to process them when they all are ready. It's going to be a variety of drying some, roasting others and pickling the rest.
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008
by Robin
We moved into this house a little over a year ago and this was the one room we never got around to painting. Originally, it had patriotic puppy dogs border and 1 patriotic striped wall. Cute, but not what we were wanting in the long run. This room get next to no morning light which makes it hard to want to school in. (ignore my bad sentence structure) We had to brighten it up and add lighting.
In the collage below, you can see the first day of removing stripes. That paper came off ok, but it was the under-side paper w/ glue that was IMPOSSIBLE to remove. The ladies at the Homeschool Library were instrumental in suggesting vinegar & water soaked onto the wall.

Unfortunately, the boys and I did a lot of damage to the wall while removing the paper so vigorously with the scraper and Jack had to spackle many spots. I think he said something about "ruined" but we worked through some of that between spackling, sanding and 2 coats of primer.

Finally, the green got to go up in late afternoon. The bottom 2 pictures depict the actual color. Granny Smith Apple green. The bottom right picture shows you some inspirational pictures and fabric that led us to the wall color. My curtains are going to be striped cabana-type with green, pink, red & yellow (seen in picture).
Our goal is to put many, many white shelves against the green to hold all our school books and hopefully have space to hang some fantastic kid artwork. I think, though, that we're going to finish the trim up today and put everything back into the room because company comes in 4 days. I don't have a lot of time left for major construction projects.
Monday, June 2, 2008

My fishermen are getting an education on why never to wallpaper your home. LOL.