FAMILYby Robin
I grew up in a very close Italian family. My sisters and I have enjoyed such a close bond over many decades. We three were able to make a quick get-together to Savannah in January and now, this one in the greater Atlanta area.
All of our lives, we've done the 3 Monkeys pose - See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. I'm sure we have pictures of us in elementary school doing this.

I love her smile here. This is my younger sister. It was late but we really got our 2nd wind of chattiness. I think she was laughing at me sing, "Let my people go", mimicking that guy from Am Idol Auditions. (Google it)

I'm so glad that not only do we all get along, but so do our husbands. Many of these pictures were taken at 11pm and we were all giggles by then.

Even the kids were filled with silliness. This is my niece who otherwise can be found doing ballet & tap in her hometown. Mostly, the kids stayed in the basement, having their own fun.
Each person in our family is such a special and integral part of our unity. I am so thankful that God has been very good to us. I hope this carries over into our sons and their families.

Oh and the story wouldn't be complete without mentioning Caruso. My sister has 3 dogs, but Caruso should have his own comic strip. He's such a character. He is our special needs nephew-in-fur. Out of the blue, he will see imaginery flies and snap at them. For example: We'd be at a lull between jokes and Caruso would jump up to get one of his flies and we'd all give him a big cheer and applause. He'd be quite satisfied that he'd gotten his annoying fly and lay back down. He's really quite adorable, as you can see. And... his mother would be in her bed on the other side of the room, ignoring his antics. It all
really needs to be a comic strip story, I tell ya.
1 comment:
Hi! Your crazy-dog-person cousin just wants to comment on Caruso. He looks to be a very cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. A common ailment with this particular breed is epilepsy, characterized by this fly-catching behavior. I'm not really sure if treatment is normally required but sis might want to check with her vet to make sure he's ok.
By the way I am going to update my blog but it's been a little busy with family and church lately!!
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