SPRING EQUINOXby RobinI am always amazed at how God made this perfect planet the perfect distance from the sun and then sliced each season so perfectly with the sun and rotation. We have just enough "cold" as to not freeze to death and just enough "hot" as to not cook. Yep, we're perfectly positioned and tomorrow marks that changing of the sun from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere. Spring begins tomorrow.

Of course, all the plants are smart enough to know this. They've been enjoying the longer amounts of sun and the warmth that it brings. The garden is getting more sun on it as that great ball of fire gets higher in the sky each week.

I guess my hopes for a nice dusting of snow are dashed. It is mid-March. Even the rosy color on my forehead and arms tell me that snow or frost are not going to happen. I'll have to set my sights on next winter for things like this.

For now, I'll be perfectly amused with the roses that are popping out. Azaleas have been in full bloom for weeks now. I am so glad I cut back my roses and gave them time to rest. They are throwing multiple buds and look so green and healthy.
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