by Robin
I just want you all to be made aware that the gospel of Oprah is being preached on XM radio every single day. Yes, she is teaching Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson.
articles2/08/discernment/oprah.htm "She skillfully avoided discussing the origin of A Course in Miracles: how it was dictated to Helen Schucman from an “inner voice” claiming to be Jesus.”
Folks, this is just plain ol' false prophesy and false teaching. Please stay very far away from this show. Oprah is preaching her New Age beliefs as a way to change the world. ACTS 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name [Jesus] under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
Secondly, Oprah is beginning a new book discussion, live for 10 weeks, starting March 3rd, 9/8c. Below is the book they are discussing. The promise is to become awakened.

This is just plain ol' million dollar hogwash. I could pull hundreds of Scriptures to argue this but my kids decided this one from their AWANAS club book would be sufficient.
JOHN 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
So easy, a child "gets it".
I don't need no stinkin' awakening to help me leave the darkness. I only needed Jesus because he is MY LIGHT. My light led me down a path of sexual immorality, wrecklessness, suicidal thoughts, depression, and confusion that had me blowing whichever way the wind went.

For Lent, about 17 years ago, I decided I would read the Holy Bible that somebody had given me after I had been sexually assaulted. During those six weeks, I had vivid dreams but most of all, I knew I wasn't heaven material. I cried and I cried out for forgiveness. I knew that my light wasn't worth dung and I was tired of walking in the darkness. I didn't need anything New Agey. I tried being better but couldn't do it on my own. I needed something that was eternal. I asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins.
I had no fancy course, no fancy words. Gee, I wasn't even in a church. I had make-up running down my face, sitting on a bed, in pjs. I had one prayer. I had a moment of meeting Jesus through prayer and the best of all, He loved me enough to change my entire life. I will never be that girl with all those negative tags attached to her name. Oprah cannot and will never convince me that there is another way to having peace and hope in my life.
I'm tellin' ya........ if you've not had an experience like this, you need to. If you're on the Oprah trail, get off of it. You don't need hokey religion. You only need a man who was on a cross. He will awaken you to more than you ever thought. You will serve the world like you have never served before. You will be a better neighbor. A better sister. A better mother. A better daughter. A better person.
You can argue religion, philosophy and books, but one can never argue with MY story. Do you have a story?
Feel free to pass this on to all your friends.
Oh,, the Link isn't working..
Thanks for sharing this.
thanks so much Robin! truely a scary thing...Oprah has so much sway over society at large!
Barbara (hippiechyck on THSL)
What an incredible testimony you have, Robin. Thank you so much for sharing. I also love it that your boys "get" it and even had a verse!!
Sorry 'bout that. Spelling error. The world according to Oprah is truly a scary concept!
yes, I was bothered when I heard about this too. Look up the real tenets of "The Secret" as well if you want to get steamed up. You know what? Several books like this come out every year. People read them all, looking for answers. Maybe it's a temporary feel-good, but they all ultimately fall apart because they assume the solution is some internal control, when our minds and emotions are already bound by our past sins and pain. You can't fix a broken house with broken tools...
The true answer is so simple it's almost ridiculous. To make just one decision, to turn your life over to God. He does the rest. And the truest proof of that is to look at the kingdom of people who have done so.
I AM concerned that so many people will be led in the wrong direction yet again by someone as influential (and well-meaning) as Oprah...but hopefully some will realize that it just doesn't work and will be led to truth.
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